Monday, August 17, 2009

Reactor Flashback 4

I know, I know. I'm gonna have a new post up in a few days. Sorry about the cop-out entries, but I want these opinions out there, too.
Here's an old post from September 30, 2008 called "Humor Is Necessary."

You remember those guys at JibJab, right? They made what quite possibly gave rise to the genre of YouTube videos four years ago when they published "This Land," a video making fun of Bush and Kerry.
The operative word here is "both."
"It's Time for some Campaignin'" is so great because it does just that. It makes fun of both candidates while still getting across some of their main campaign ideals.
Alright, it does it with McCain in a tank and Obama on a rainbow unicorn, but the point still stands.
Why can't we just make fun of everybody?
"The Daily Show" routinely makes fun of politics, but leans a little far left. Bill O' Reilly makes of the politics, and leans a little far right. JibJab has stumbled across the goldmine of comedy:
Making fun of both sides!
If you truly want to be respected by both sides, you must be able to work both sides and appeal to everyone. I love watching the Daily Show, but sometimes it just makes my skin crawl.
I personally like Glenn Beck, although sometimes he blows things way out of proportion.
I have yet to see, besides JibJab, anyone able to make fun of both sides and not have a "bias."
On a side note, even though this video was indeed making fun of both sides, isn't it ironic, the portrayal of both candidates?
Obama is a fruity skipping guy who rides a unicorn over a rainbow and sings about nothing but change.
McCain is a wizened, hardened, tank-riding old guy.
But what does he sing about?
Stopping the jihad.
Hmm. Obama sings about ambiguous change, and McCain sings about actually doing something specific. Could all this tomfoolery possibly have a nugget of truth in it?
Just a side note.
If we can't have humor in this election, or even in our everyday life, then how can we even survive?
Humor is vital to our everyday lives. We must be able to find humor in everyday things, even something as mundane as the elections.


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October 1st, 2008
8:55 p.m.
Flag as offensive

We're nearly a month away from the election, and I can honestly say I'm not positive who I'm voting for. If I don't know soon, I probably should refrain from even voting. The reason's simple: Both candidates make me laugh, usually a "this guy might be our President?" half-hearted chuckle. I doubt few honest people can say they believe in and support every policy of their favored candidate. It's not realistic. So I agree, Mr. Sommerville, instead of brutally bashing others' political opinions to hide their own ambiguity, everyone needs to relax. And have a good laugh.

October 2nd, 2008
6:34 p.m.
Flag as offensive

Our campaign system is so ridiculous from how long it is to how it's covered. Every day or so you can find something worth mocking. Either a candidate will say something funny or some media outlet will cover a speech or development in some hilarious, over-the-top fashion. It may be serious business deciding the "leader of the free world," but it's more pertinent that we all have fun with it.

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