Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sheepish Grin

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I joined Twitter. Seems like just yesterday/last August that I called it stupid. Ah well.
It turns out it'll probably be pretty useful in promoting my blog and getting info from various news outlets and cool people.
Just chalk it up to a guy named Leo Laporte. He's a tech guru who's on top of the latest trends and all that business. He likes to call it "hand-holding on the information superhighway." And he's super dorky, like me. Anyways, he's talked about Twitter being a sort of finger on the pulse of the web, filtering the staggering terabytes of data that pop up on the internet every second. And since I am a journalist interested in such things, I figured I should probably know the vital signs as much as the next person.
I'll mostly be retweeting (posting something someone else has already posted) and promoting blog posts and my photos on it, but that's okay. That's pretty much what it's for, and what it's evolved into.

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