Saturday, January 23, 2010

Previously, on LOST...

February 2, 2010.
LOST's sixth and final season premieres.
Aww yeah.
In ten days (from now), one of the best shows on TV will (hopefully) blow us all away.

When I started watching LOST in 2008, I had no idea what I was getting into. My roommate, Gavin, kept ranting and raving about how good this show was, and I had only heard of it in 2005. I saw commercials for it, and wondered why Merry from the Lord of the Rings movies had such short hair.
Finally, after having enough of Gavin's incessant "you-have-to-watch-this"es, I watch the pilot with him. Awkwardly. In his bedroom, while sitting on his bed. On his computer monitor.
It was a little weird.
After the incredibly tense opening scene in which Jack runs out of the jungle after being awakened by a random dog to find the horrors of a just-happened plane crash, I was hooked.
Holy crap! I thought. How did all those people survive? Why is the camera lingering on that bald dude's foot? Why are there like 40 main characters?

I knew I was probably going to be addicted. But then this scene happened. Watch from :30 to when it switches to "Day 2." Sorry I couldn't embed it.
That scene hooked me.
That's the smoke monster. Smokey, as some call him, is one of the biggest mysteries on the show. I remember thinking Oh that can't be good. Some gurgling bubbling clanking and whirring thing is running around the jungle.
And that was, as Gavin said, just the beginning.

Here we are, five seasons later. If you haven't watched LOST, I highly recommend you go on Hulu and watch them. You'll have to watch all five seasons, as this is a linear show.
Now, I say linear only in the sense that you must watch the episodes in order to understand them. The storyline itself makes no linear sense.
Which brings me to the purpose of this post. I will be reviewing each episode of LOST, every week, hopefully the night of, and posting it here. This is the final season of one of the smartest, most intense and well-written shows ever on TV. It's worth it.
Many have critiqued LOST as being crazy and incomprehensible at times, which happens if you don't watch every episode. That's a lot of content to go through, I know, but it's well worth it.
The show's bigwigs were very smart and decided to call the sixth season the last. They have something to work towards, they have a goal in mind, and boy do they have a lot of loose ends to tie up.
Here's my biggest questions I hope to have answered this final season:
What/who is the smoke monster?
When did Real Locke actually die?
Is Vincent important?
Who is the Man In Black?
What does the Black Rock have to do with this?
How does the island travel in time?
Did Juliet succeed in detonating the nuke? Did that "reset" everything?
Are Ben/Locke/Widmore/MIB/Jacob the good guys or the bad guys?
EDIT (1/24/09 1:56pm): Who/what is Richard Alpert? Did Locke's mom know him?
What exactly does Widmore want with the Island?
Hopefully this spring we'll be able to finally understand and wrap our minds around LOST.
Afterwards, I'll miss it. And the deep-voiced guy who says "Previously, on LOST..." every week. Sniff.

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