Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LOST Reaction: "What Kate Does"

LOST continues to weave its tangled web.
Island timeline (2008?)
In this week's episode, "What Kate Does" (which plays off the older Season 2 episode "What Kate Did"), we start off in the temple and go through a lot of "Who are you people?" and even more "I don't trust you/I'm going off into the jungle/I'm coming too." It got old real fast. Almost as old as the Temple folk, Lennon (the hippie guy) and Dogen (the Chinese dude) who have hilariously nonthreatening or impressive names saying "Come with us. We need to talk to you."
That stuff got old, but Dogen's attempts to "diagnose" Sayid's resurrection are quite foreboding.
Sawyer stomps off into the jungle, Kate, Jin, and two other Others go after him, Kate runs after Sawyer after knocking out the Others, etc. One of the Others mentions that they are protecting the Losties from Smokey. Pretty standard running through the jungle stuff. Kate finds Sawyer digging out the engagement ring he bought for Juliet, and the two have a sad and heartbreaking conversation. Kate leaves.
At the temple, Dogen tries to get Sayid to take a pill, which Jack convinces him not to, because it ends up containing poison. I swear, these people have some of the most messed-up trust issues I've ever seen. They're all diagnosable.
Dogen tells Jack that Sayid is "infected" and "claimed" by something.
The Others try to kill Jin as he makes his way back to the Temple, but a Rousseau version of Claire shows up and saves him. Looks like she's been setting traps, too.
LA Timeline (2004)
These flash-sideways are going to get confusing real fast. Kate commandeers a cab with Claire in it, but not before seeing Jack and having deja-vu. Weird.
Kate kicks Claire out of the cab and gets her handcuffs cut off by a mechanic that almost looks like Mr. Friendly/Tom. Kate realizes she took Claire's bag of baby stuff and brings it back to her. Aww.
Kate then gives Claire a ride to the family that's going to adopt Aaron. Why Claire ever gets back in the car with someone who just hijacked it a few hours before is beyond me.
Turns out the family doesn't want the kid, and Claire starts having contractions. They run to the hospital, where Claire's doctor is Ethan.
Yes, Ethan. Only this time his name is Ethan Goodspeed, which means he took his father (Horace)'s name. Does that mean Horace is still alive? The island is underwater in 2004, so what does that mean for the Dharma folks?
Kate leaves, Claire might keep the baby.
Reactor Reaction
Kate-centric episodes are always fraught with a lot of Kate pretending to be a lot tougher than she is and a lot of close-ups on people crying. Sawyer being emotional is fine, but good night give the guy some screen time when he's not crying or scowling. I have a feeling that the whole love story is about to get a lot more sappy and obnoxious this season.
The revelations at the Temple are most certainly foreboding. Who/what is Sayid, really? What did Dogen mean when he said the same thing happened to Claire?
Ethan's reappearance is startling. What happened to the Dharma folks?
It was a good episode in terms of fitting together puzzle pieces (or showing gaps in the completed puzzle). I can't wait to see how the two timelines interact. It's obvious that they're connected. Ethan is still Claire's doctor, Kate is still connected to Aaron, and she and Jack have both had deja-vu.
Questions, questions, questions. Let's hope they're all answered, otherwise ABC's going to host the nerdiest riot ever.

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