Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LOST Reaction: "Lighthouse"

I'm gonna keep these shorter from now on. Just my reaction, no synopsis.
It was another whirlwind of "Holy Crap!"s and "What the...?"s last night on LOST. Hurley has become a weird sort of spiritual leader for those still in the Temple, as he can "see" Jacob. Jacob sends Hurley and Jack to a lighthouse that no one has ever noticed before, and Hurley does a fine job of being a leader and convincing Jack to go with him. But we'll get to that in a bit.

I like this new version of Hurley. He's not as crippled by his fear of bad luck or himself anymore. He knows that he has a purpose on the island, and he's doing his darnedest to live that out. Even if that means he has to lie to a samurai (one of my favorite Hurley lines).

Jack continues to piss me off. For the first four seasons he was the sensible leader of the Losties, making mostly good decisions and doing what he could for everyone. Starting last season, he was a resigned whiny-pants pansy who asked "Why?!" every other sentence. Ugh.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Crazy Claire line. Is she Smokeylocke's apprentice or something? They're drawing a lot of parallels between Claire and Rousseau, even though I don't think Rousseau was ever "infected." Her team was, but I don't think she was ever infected.

In the LA timeline, I thoroughly enjoyed Jack having a son. Jack has the worst daddy issues on the show (I guess except for Locke and the whole being pushed out of a building thing), and seeing him deal with it by doing things differently with his own offspring is refreshing. Dogen popping up at the recital was a great addition, in my opinion. It really shows that everyone is always intertwined, no matter what happened.

As for the episode's namesake, the Lighthouse was a big reveal. This ancient tower was how Jacob watched, and for all we know, communicated with the Losties during their lives. I only glanced three locales in the mirror before Jack got all angsty. The church where Sawyer's parent's funeral was (and where Jacob gave him a pen to finish his letter to the con man), the setting of Sun and Jin's wedding (where he congratulated them in "excellent Korean), and Jack's mom's house. The candidate's names around the outside of the wheel was intriguing, and I was really hoping we would see who's at bearing 108. 108, by the way, is what 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 add up to. Trippier and trippier, man.

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