Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LOST Reaction: "Sundown"

Will anyone survive this final season of LOST? The answer's starting to look more and more like "no."
This week, we got to see just what the "darkness" growing in Sayid is capable of.
He killed Dogen and Lennon, and got an extremely creepy grin on his face after Smokeylocke destroyed the Temple. As far as the Island timeline goes, there's not much else to say. Claire and Sayid let Smokeylocke in the Temple, Kate discovers Claire is crazy, and Ben (where on earth were Ben, Lapidus, Ilana and Sun? They just randomly appear at the end of the episode) is terrified of new Sayid. If Ben is scared of something, it is truly something to be feared. I almost got chills when Ben backed slowly away from Sayid. Ben's seen that darkness before.
The question for the Island timelines is now what Smokeylocke and his "team" are going to do, especially since Kate inadvertently joined up with them.
Sayid's LA timeline showed his softer side (as has been the trend; I'm thinking that the LA timeline Losties are going to fare better overall than the Island-side ones) as he protected his brother's family from mobsters led by the insufferable Keamy. The story was a throwaway loan shark cookie-cutter plot, with familiar characters thrown in there for twists. Don't get me wrong, I cheered when Sayid shot Keamy. I was dreading having to listen to his sadistic low-pitched mumbling. Obnoxious character FTL.
What really got me curious about the LA timeline was Sayid's discovery of Jin in the mobsters' freezer. How was Keamy involved with Paik Industries?
With all these new questions being raised, I'm wondering if Cuse and Lindelof can really deliver on the their promise of answers.

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