Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another Little Awesome Thing

It's getting close to Easter, which is awesome for two reasons. First, it is a time for us to remember Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross to pay the punishments we all deserve every day. And we should never forget that.

But it is also the season of the best jellybeans known to mankind.

The perfect candy exists, and it is Sweetarts Jelly Beans. I discovered them a couple of years ago. I usually don't get into the whole bunny/candy/not-related-to-the-actual-Easter-in-any-way thing, but these are certainly an exception. I remembered them as Target was beginning to put up the ridiculous baskets and assorted not-really-Easter decorations and patiently waited for the candy to be put out.
Suddenly, one day at Hy-Vee, I found them. There, in their glorious pink, blue and green bag, were the little nuggets of awesome.
This was about a month ago. We are on our fourth bag. They are THAT good.
They have a normal gooey jelly-bean center, but it's the coating that makes them spectacular. It's like they crushed actual Sweetarts and coated jellybeans with them. I can't get enough of them. My wife doesn't like them as they are a bit sour, but eats them anyways.
"They're okay if I just suck off the outside stuff first," she says.
Either way you eat them, Sweetarts Jelly Beans are yet another Little Awesome Thing that makes my day just a little bit brighter.

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