Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Omegle Project, Mk II

I ran an experiment a few months ago on a random chat site, Omegle. Read over that one, and then check out this updated version of what random people from all over the world think of Obama and how he's running the country.

1. The New Yorker
You: Hi, where are you from?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: new york
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running the country?
Stranger: i think he's doing a good job for the most part, i still support him
You: Did you vote for him in 2008?
Stranger: well i couldnt vote yet but i did support his campaign
You: And what do you think of all the criticism he is getting from both Republicans and Democrats?
Stranger: well i think Republicans have no credable argument to make against Obama's policies, they have turned into a party ruled by positions they think will get the "tea party" to vote for them
You: What about the criticism from the Democrats?
Stranger: well from my perspective i think democrats make more sense, especially when they critize him about the war or banning dont ask, dont tell, they can make clear arguments i can support
You: So do you disagree with anything Obama has done or has talked about?
Stranger: waiting a year to ban dont ask, dont tell, his support of private companies like Blackwater in Iraq, and his general lack of fight when Republicans tells lies about his positions
You: What lies have the Republicans told?
Stranger: death panels, that he is a socialist, an secret muslim, he was born in Nigeria, the stimulus plan did not work, he is weak on terrorists, etc
Stranger: i could go on and on
You: Alrighty, thanks. That's all I needed. Be sure to check out the blog for your response and many others!
Stranger: yea i did, i loved last nights Lost btw
You: Thanks a lot! Bye.

2. The Clueless Aussie
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: 'Ello 'ello.
Stranger: I'm from Australia.
You: I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: Yes, sort of...
You: Sort of what?
Stranger: I don't really know too much about politics HERE, let alone in America. I'm only 14.
Stranger: So I'm sort of useless. My apologies.
You: Not a problem. What have you heard?
Stranger: Hm...
Stranger: ...
Stranger: Actually... I can't really remember! Sorry for wasting your time.

3. The Non-starter (once again, there were tons of these)
Stranger: eey
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

4. The Recycling Fan
Stranger: hi
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: Well I don't hear much on what hes doing so I feel he has done very little, but he is perfecting recycling and stuff so thats good
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: USA
You: What have you heard, exactly?
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: now bye

5. The Civil Chatty Canadian
Stranger: Ask me anything!
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: I'm not in America.
Stranger: But!
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: Quebec.
You: Okay, so what do you think?
Stranger: I think he's doing fine, for a politician.
You: And what do you mean by that
You: ?
Stranger: I'd like to see him adhere to more of his campaign promises, but I won't say I'm surprised.
Stranger: He's failed to close Guantanamo Bay or step down the US' war efforts.
Stranger: His focus on healthcare, while honourable, is single-minded.
You: How so?
Stranger: He seems to be devoting the brunt of his executive energies to that.
Stranger: Still, he's put a fresh face on US politics, and his day-to-day dealings with foreign nations have been positive.
Stranger: I like his support for science.
You: And what do you think he should be "devoting the brunt of his executive energies" toward?
Stranger: Same thing any president should: a full range of foreign relations, domestic initiatives, and budgetary improvements.
Stranger: As I said, I'd like to see him do more to end the United States' foreign entanglements, and restore civil liberties in that country.
Stranger: Still, he can't be held fully responsible: the legislature is materially responsible for these changes.
Stranger: And his positions are overall agreeable.
You: Well thanks very much! That's all I needed, be sure to check out the blog for your response and other's from around the world!
Stranger: Word.
Stranger: Good luck.

6. The Odd Tarantino Fan
Stranger: They're coming.
Stranger: You have to get out of there.
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: Is he the guy from Inglourious Basterds?
You: He's The President of the United States...
Stranger: ... That's a no, then?
Stranger: Wait.
Stranger: I thought the president was that Appalachian guy.
Stranger: Aldo Raine?
You: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. [NOTE: Apparently he's from a Tarantino movie]
Stranger: So...
Stranger: Let me google this Obama guy.
Stranger: Oh, very f***ing funny.
Stranger: Like a black guy could be prez.
Stranger: I'm sure in 2012 we'll be electing Captain Homosexual McLiberalton.
You: Thanks for your time.
Stranger: And yours.

7. The Non-sequitur
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: What’s the password?

8. The Racist (you can't escape them on the internet)
You: Hi, I run a blog called The Reactor ( and I'm doing a survey about politics. What do you think of Obama and how he's running America?
Stranger: hi there#
Stranger: obamas still better than bush or mccain
You: And why is that?
Stranger: more chicken in the white house
You: What do you mean?
Stranger: kfc
You: Why is that?
Stranger: negroes
You: And that's why Obama is better than Bush and McCain?
Stranger: with mccain you would have another 1000 years of war, and obama has at leat a few good ideas....
You: Like what?
Stranger: his medical plans....
Stranger: plans to end the war
Stranger: plans to do something in the gaza strip
Stranger: and a few other things, like the idae of talking before boming
You: Thanks for your time, that's all I needed! Be sure to check out the blog for your response and others